
Counselling Service

Counselling is a free service available to all matriculated students.

We offer short-term counselling, normally up to six sessions, to help you with any personal problems which might be effecting your academic work or your general health and wellbeing.

Compassionate Mind Training Course - 8 weeks

Do you ever feel that you are your own worst critic?  Or that sometimes you get in your own way?  Do you sometimes find it hard to regulate your emotions?  If so, this popular 8 week course might be helpful for you.

This programme is designed to increase self-compassion and self-esteem while lowering self-criticism and perfectionism.

Next dates: Thursdays, 3.30-5.30pm, starting 3rd October 2024.

Please email Student Counsellor Sophie on smacleod@qmu.ac.uk to book a place, for more information or if you'd like to be contacted about future arrangements, giving your name and matriculation number.


To access the service, please complete . For queries relating to the form, please email CWS@qmu.ac.uk

To reach counsellors directly, please email counselling@qmu.ac.uk. 

For urgent or general queries about Student Services, please email studentservices@qmu.ac.uk or call 0131 474 0000 then select option 1 and then option 4 to reach 'Student Services'. Or to reach Student Services directly, call 0131 474 0060.

Please read the service's confidentiality agreement in section below before self-referring. You will also be sent the document to read and sign before or at your first appointment. 

Appointments are available 9.15am - 7pm Monday - Friday throughout the calendar year and last up to fifty minutes. They are delivered in-person, via telephone or  Microsoft Teams.

One-At-A-Time counselling 

One-at-a-time counselling sessions following initial . If you can't see your preferred availability in Student Central then please just email counselling with your preferred dates, times and appointment type (in-person, Teams or phone) and we'll see what we can do. 

Cancellation policy

As Student Counselling is a limited resource, please be mindful of the need for it to be shared with other students. If you cannot keep an appointment, please contact the Student Counselling Service with at least 24 hours notice (excluding weekends) so that the session can be offered to another student. Please do not attend an in-person session if you have even mild symptoms of Covid-19 or have tested positive for the virus. 

If you cancel a session with less notice, the session is likely to be counted against your allocation, except in unforeseen or exceptional circumstances. If you continue to either cancel or not attend sessions then this will be addressed with you and it may have an impact on your future access to the service. If you do not attend a session then the Student Counselling Service will wait for you to initiate contact unless there is concern for your safety.   

If you are unable to attend a session in person, please indicate if you would like that session to be delivered via telephone or Microsoft Teams instead.  

If your counsellor needs to cancel a session or re-arrange it to telephone/Microsoft Teams they will endeavour to contact you with as much notice as possible.  

If you are in immediate danger/harm & suicide

If you are at immediate risk of harming yourself or of someone else harming you, do not hesitate to dial 999.

For Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage helpline call 24/7 on 0800 027 1234, or get help online at

You can reach Women's Aid Scotland 24/7 by calling 0800 027 1234 or visiting 

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, you can call SARCS (Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service, provided by NHS Scotland) 24/7 on 0800 148 88 88. You can find out more here:

If you are experiencing suicidal feelings or thoughts, or are thinking of ending your life, take a moment to pause. You are not alone. There is always a way out of whatever you are experiencing and there are people ready and waiting to help you. Reach out to them now:

  • Consult with your GP or phone NHS 24 free on 111
  • Call the Samaritans for free any time, from any phone on 116 123
  • If you are 35 or under, you can also call Hopeline on 0800 068 4141. Lines are open 24 hours every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included)
  • Urgent mental health assessment. In the first instance you should try to contact your GP. If you do not have a GP, or your GP is not available, you should contact the Mental Health Assessment Service on their 24 hour phone line 0131 537 6000. 

    This is an emergency assessment service based at The Royal Edinburgh Hospital and The Royal Infirmary Edinburgh.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why come for counselling?
Counselling offers you the opportunity to talk in private about anything that’s troubling you. It is a completely confidential process where the counsellor will listen carefully to what you have to say and will not judge you or tell you what to do. The aim is to help you understand things more clearly so that you can see for yourself how to deal with things more effectively.

When is counselling a good idea?
The Counselling Service aims to be welcoming and friendly and it is a good idea to make contact if you feel you’re not coping very well. Counselling is often seen as a last resort and can even be perceived as a sign of failure, but it isn’t. Knowing how to look after yourself is an important life skill, part of which is knowing when you need some extra support or help accessing available resources.

You can also use counselling for personal development, to increase awareness of who you are and how you relate to others, to build self-esteem, and to help resolve issues which might be preventing you from fulfilling your potential.

What do people talk about?
In counselling you are free to talk about yourself and any issues which are affecting your wellbeing. Some common topics raised by students are:

  • Relationships
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Loss
  • Low self-esteem
  • Eating problems
  • Sexual identity
  • Abuse
  • Self harm
  • Academic concerns

You can also get self-help information by looking in the self help section of this page and on Student Central.

Who are the counsellors?

The Student Counsellors are Sarah and Sophie.

All counsellors work within the .


We welcome comments and feedback and have a form for you to share your thoughts so please just ask for a copy. This is usually shared after your closing session. If you wish to raise a complaint then please discuss the issue with your Counsellor in the first instance. If, after further exploration, you wish to formally pursue the complaint then we ask that you use the Â鶹ԭ´´â€™s Complaints Procedure and send your complaint to complaints@qmu.ac.uk. Ìý



The following outlines how Student Counselling maintains confidentiality and the situations where it may need to be extended. 

This agreement applies when meeting with a Student Counsellor. The information that you choose to share with Student Counselling will be treated confidentially and held within the Student Counselling and Wellbeing Team. This includes Student Counsellors, Wellbeing Advisors, Student Services Administrator and Head of Student Services. Our counsellors keep contact and session notes for the purpose of providing support. These are only accessed by the team on a need-to-know basis, such as when we have concerns about a student’s welfare or safety, to administer the service, such as booking appointments, or to liaise within the team about the most appropriate support. Some anonymised date is collected to inform and develop the service – for example, main reasons for contacting the service and presenting issues. 

Information held about you is processed by Â鶹ԭ´´ in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), the University’s Data Protection Policy and Student Privacy Statement 

Our Student Services counsellors may on occasion be required to share information out with the Student Counselling and Wellbeing Team. Limited and specific information may be shared in the following circumstances:  

  • If your Counsellor believes that your life, or that of another person, may be in immediate or significant danger they will endeavour to inform you of such disclosure but this may not always be possible. For example, the provision of relevant information to the Head of Student Services, Security, First Aid, or paramedic staff in an emergency.  

  • Where we are legally bound to disclose information, for example under Court order or other legislation such as the Safeguarding and Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Act, The Prevention of Terrorism Act  

  • With your express consent to pass on information either within Student Services, the University or to other external sources of support.  

  • There may be circumstances where we have significant concerns about your fitness to practice or fitness to study, in which case we may be required to contact, as relevant, your Personal Academic Tutor or Programme Lead. We will seek your explicit consent before doing this.  

At your initial assessment your counsellor will outline procedures in place and address any clarification you may need.  

In line with professional ethical frameworks that Counsellors work with, there is a requirement to discuss client work with an external supervisor to aid best practice. All discussions take place without your identity being revealed.  

When booking a Microsoft Teams or phone appointment 

If you are having the sessions online, then we will use Microsoft Teams, which you can download onto your phone, tablet or computer.  Your counsellor will set up a Teams meeting or video or voice call you at the scheduled time. We do not offer email counselling. 

Security with online or phone counselling 

Although online counselling can never be 100% secure, there are several things you can and should do to reduce any risk: 

  • always use a password to access your device and change your password frequently 

  • keep the security software (virus protection, firewall) on your computer up to date 

  • check regularly for software updates for your video and audio communication software 

  • plan your session for a time when you know you can have privacy, making sure others in the house know not to disturb or interrupt you; make sure you are not being overheard 

  • find a safe and undisturbed space where you can set up your device and sit comfortably for the whole session 

  • close all other open browsers and programmes on your computer as these can affect the connection and either slow it down or cause the screen to freeze 

  • let your counsellor know straight away if you have any concerns that the security and confidentiality of your sessions has been compromised. 

Record keeping and Third-Party Information  

Following each session, notes are made by your Counsellor to record main points, including a summary of past experience and immediate concerns. These are stored securely and password protected and kept for seven years after the last academic year of contact in order to administer the service and maintain professional standards.  

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UKGDPR, students accessing the Student Counselling Service have the right to access information held about them by the Student Counselling Service. You can access this information by submitting a Subject Access Request (SAR) to dataprotection@qmu.ac.uk.   

Information that comes into the Student Counselling Service from a third party, e.g. from your GP, PAT, other Student Service or concerned other will be shared with you in the interests of transparency and integrity of the therapeutic relationship. Exceptions to this would be if permission from the third party has not been granted or when the Counsellor believes that another person’s established right to confidentiality may be breached in the process.  

Consent to pass on disclosed information

At their first appointment, students are asked to sign that they agree to this agreement and this statement: 

"The Student Counselling Service is part of Â鶹ԭ´´â€™s Student Services. I agree that my attendance and information may, on occasion, be shared with other Student Services Staff to ensure I am able to receive the most effective and co-ordinated support. Content of sessions will only be shared with your written consent except in situations as outlined above".  

Information for Staff

Staff consultation
Student Counsellors are available, by prior arrangement, for confidential consultation if you are concerned about a student in difficulty or distress. Beforehand, please read the confidentiality tab on this counselling page and be aware that, in the interests of transparency in the therapeutic relationship, we will generally let students know about additional information about them that is discussed with us. 

Distressed Students
If you become aware of a student in difficulty or if a student asks you for extra support, the following guidelines give advice on how to respond within the boundaries of your role and how to refer appropriately to specialist services.

Helping Distressed Students - a guide for University Staff

If you wish to refer a student to the Counselling Service, the main counselling page gives the information you and the student will need to make an appointment. It is best for students to make appointments on their own behalf. Staff in the Counselling Service will not confirm a student is attending the service, or enter into discussion with you about the student, without getting the student’s permission first. If you want to know that the student has followed your advice, the best approach is to ask the student.


Please see the relevant tab on this page for a reading scheme that is also available to staff.

Staff counselling
All employees of QMU have access to an independent, free and confidential Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). This includes wellbeing resources, counselling and a helpline. If you should have any queries regarding this service then please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources. 

Self Help

There are many websites which offer support and guidance. You may wish to research sources of help and advice as below:

  • An online therapy programme you can work through at your own pace, using the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • . Advice and information on drug use
  • . Support for people effected by eating disorders
  • Self-help for students 


Mindfulness is a type of meditation which is becoming increasingly popular as a stress management tool. Growing research evidence shows that it can be beneficial in reducing stress, increasing concentration and improving relationships. 

Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the here and now, using simple breathing and meditation techniques. Anyone can learn it. Through practising mindfulness you can become more aware of thoughts and feelings and can learn to manage them better, instead of feeling overwhelmed by them.

Mindfulness Resources: 

Contemplation at QMU

There is a Contemplation Room on campus for quiet contemplation and reflection. It is available for staff and students of all faiths and none. Room 1028 on Level One of the main academic building. 

Mental Health Mentor Support

Specialist study support for students with long term mental ill-health

What is Mentoring Support?

Mentoring is specialist one-to-one support for students who have long term mental ill-health. Mental Health Mentors focus on helping students to study and meet their potential. It is particularly useful for students who are finding it difficult to meet the demands of their course because of their mental ill-health or whose studies are or could be effected by long-term mental ill-health.

What help is available?

  • Support with motivation and morale
  • Living and coping with mental health issues
  • Liaison with medical services where appropriate
  • Managing academic workload
  • Advice on study skills strategies tailored to individual needs
  • Time management organisation and planning for study
  • Balancing academic work with other day-to-day activities

Who are Mental Health Mentors?

Mentors are typically academically well qualified with teaching and mental health related training and qualifications.

How does it work?

  • Contact the Student Disability Advisers to arrange an appointment to talk about mentoring. If it is felt that the service will be helpful to you, the Disability Adviser will arrange a needs assessment and make an application for Disabled Student's Allowance (DSA). You will need to supply medical evidence of your mental ill-health.
  • Meetings with your Mentor will start as soon as your funding becomes available. Please be aware that this process can take some time.
  • Funding for students who do not qualify for DSA can be negotiated with the Disability Adviser.


The Mentors will reach a clear agreement with you about confidentiality at your first meeting.


Student Disability Service
Email: disabilityadvisers@qmu.ac.uk

Tel: 0131 474 0000


Bibliotherapy is the term used to describe the prescribed reading of self help books to deal with a range of psychological and personal problems.

Recent research in the UK has shown it to be an effective way to improve your mental health. It is now established in universities and local libraries throughout the country.

The Student Counselling Service and the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) have joined together to develop this scheme to support students who are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, irritability etc.

How will it help you?
There is good evidence that reading self help books can help specifically with most emotional difficulties. The beneficial effects can be experienced as soon as you start reading the book. You will also find that you are not the only person with this difficulty.

Self help books are about helping you to gain a new perspective and are more effective when you are motivated to reflect on your own behaviour and make these changes. Most of the books are straightforward to read, containing useful exercises and questionnaires for you to follow. They have been specially selected for their accessible and helpful approaches. This could be seen as a starting point as different approaches will suit
different people.

How the scheme works
These suggested books will be stocked in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and can be borrowed by any matriculated student or member of staff. Books can be borrowed for 6 weeks.

Further help
Reading a book may be a first step in identifying a problem and can sometimes lead to strong emotions being experienced. You may feel at this point that it would be helpful to talk to someone about this and you could consult the Student Counselling Service (email counselling@qmu.ac.uk) or your GP.

Bibliotherapy Book List


  • Breaking free: Help for survivors of child sexual abuse - Crolyn Ainscough and Kay Toon. (Sheldon Press)
  • Overcoming Childhood Trauma: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Helen Kennerley (Constable & Robinson).


  • So you want to cut down your drinking? A self-help guide to sensible drinking - Roberston, I. and Heather, N. 
  • Understanding alcohol and drinking problems - Chick, J.  


  • Overcoming Anger and Irritability: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Will Davies (Robinson)
  • Managing Anger: simple steps to handling your temper - Gael Lindenfield (Harper Collins).

Anxiety and Stress

  • Overcoming Anxiety self-help programme: a 3 part programme based on cognitive behavioural techniques - Helen Kennerley (Constable & Robinson)
  • Relaxation, meditation and mindfulness (electronic resource): a practical guide - Smith, J.C. 
  • The compassionate mind approach to overcoming anxiety - Tirch, D.  
  • The feeling good handbook - Burns, D.  
  • Managing Stress - Looker, T. and Gregson, O

Assertiveness and self-esteem 

  • Assert Yourself: a self-help assertiveness programme for men and women - Gael Lindenfield (Harper Collins)
  • A Woman in Your Own Right - Anne Dickson (Quartet books)
  • The guide to compassionate assertiveness: how to express your needs and deal with conflict while keeping a kind heart - Vavricheck, S.M. 
  • How to be assertive in any situation - Hadfield, S. and Hasson, G. 
  • The compassionate mind approach to building self-confidence - Welford, M. 
  • Helping adolescents and adults to build self-esteem (2nd ed.) - Plummer, D. 
  • Self-esteem - McKay, M and Flanning, P. 
  • Over-coming low self-esteem: a guide to using cognitive-behavioural techniques - Fennell, M.J.V. 


  • How To Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies - Therese Rando (Bantam)
  • A Special Scar: the experiences of people bereaved by suicide - Alison Wertheimer (Routledge)
  • When parents die: learning to live with the loss of a parent - Abrams, R. 

Confidence Building

  • Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self Esteem - Deborah Plummer (Jessica Kingsle


  • Overcoming Depression: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Paul Gilbert (Constable & Robinson)
  • Overcoming depression and low mood: a five areas approach - Williams, C. 
  • The mood gym: overcoming depression using CBT and other effective therapies - Christensen, H. and Griffiths, K. 
  • I Had a Black Dog: his name was depression - Matthew Johnstone (Robinson)
  • Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison - Dorothy Rowe (Brunner Routledge)
  • Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think - Greenberger, D. and Padesky, C.A.

Eating Disorders

  • Getting Better Bit(e) By Bit(e) - U Schmidt, J Treasure (Psychology Press)
  • Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Freeman, C. and Cooper (Constable & Robinson)
  • Anorexia Nervosa: a survival guide to families, friends and sufferers - Treasure, J.  
  • Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating: a guide to recovery - Peter J. Cooper
  • Getting better bit(e) by bit(e): a survival kit for sufferers of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders - Schmidt, U. and Treasure, J. 
  • Overcoming Binge Eating - Christopher G. Fairburn (Guildford Press)
  • The invisible man - a self-help guide for men with eating disorders, compulsive exercise and bigorexia - Morgan, J.F. 
  • Becoming John: anorexia's not just for girls - Evans, J. 


  • Overcoming compulsive gambling: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Blaxzcynski, A. 


  • Manage your mind: the mental fitness guide - Butler, G. and Hope, T.


  • Overcoming insomnia and sleep problems: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Espie, C.  

Leaving Home

  • The Leaving Home Survival Guide - Nicola Morgan (Walker Books Ltd)

Living in a Different Culture

  • Figuring Foreigners Out: A Practical Guide - Craig Storti (Intercultural Press)

Maximising Potential 

  • Change for the better: self-help through practical psychotherapy - McCormick, E.W.

Obsessions and Compulsions

  • Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - David Veale & Robert Wilson (Constable & Robinson)

Panic Attacks

  • Panic Attacks: what they are, why they happen and what you can do about them - Christine Ingham (Harper Collins)


  • Never Good Enough: how to use perfectionism to your advantage without letting it ruin your life - Monica Ramirez Basco (Simon & Schuster)
  • When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough: strategies for coping with perfectionism - Martin M Anthony & Richard P Swinson (New Harbinger Publications)


  • Isn’t It About Time? How to Stop Putting Things Off and Get on With Your Life - Andrea Perry (Worth Publishing)


  • Relating Skills: A Practical Guide to Effective Personal Relationships - Richard Nelson-Jones (Cassell)


  • Healing the Hurt Within: understanding self-injury and self-harm and heal the emotional wounds - Jan Sutton (How to Books)
  • Self-help for self-injury: a guide for women struggling with self-injury - (Bristol Crisis Service for Women)


  • Loving ourselves: the gay and lesbian guide to self-esteem - Hardin, K. 


  • Overcoming childhood trauma: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Kennerley, H. 
  • Overcoming traumatic stress: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques - Herbert, C. and Wetmore, A. 

Â鶹ԭ´´ gratefully acknowledges help from Edinburgh University Student Counselling Service in compiling this list.


To reach counsellors directly, please email counselling@qmu.ac.uk.

For urgent or general queries about Student Services, please email studentservices@qmu.ac.uk or call 0131 474 0000 then select option 1 and then option 4 to reach 'Student Services'.

Or to reach Student Services directly, call 0131 474 0060.

Appointments are available 9.15am - 7pm Monday - Friday throughout the calendar year

Show Contacts


Counselling Service 0131 474 0000
Student Services 0131 474 0000

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