
Academic collaboration - developing a new programme

Developing a new collaborative programme

5.1 听 As with a standard programme, a proposed programme that involves formal collaboration must obtain planning approval in order to proceed. This follows the procedures established in the Programme Development Section, with the following modifications.

5.2听听听听 Programme planning will be led by the proposed Programme Leader from the partner institution with advice from the Collaborative Academic Lead. The programme team will need to discuss how the programme will be delivered at the partner institution and set this out in the programme document. Partners may choose to copy a QMU programme in its entirety; to design a programme which meets their needs from a selection of validated QMU modules; to design a programme using a mixture of existing validated modules and new modules; or to design a completely new programme.

5.3听听听听 The procedure for developing a collaborative programme is outlined below.听

  • Initial enquiry normally goes through Partnership Development Manager (PDM), who filters out enquirers who do not meet defined criteria (see 5.4 below). If criteria met, discussion with Dean or Dean鈥檚 designate to confirm whether the School is interested.
  • Initial exploratory discussions between QMU staff and partner institution. Identification of Collaborative Academic Lead (CAL) to establish what partner is looking for and what QMU can provide. Advice from PDM on approximate price. Basic diligence enquiries by PDM.
  • Stage 1 approval form completed and considered by School Executive Board (SEB)
  • A senior member of staff conducts site visit and feeds back to PDM. PDM and CAL complete risk assessment / evaluation report form.
  • PDM conducts detailed due diligence checks.
  • CAL and PDM undertake detailed costings.
  • Stage 2 approval form completed and considered by Academic Planning Board (APB) along with risk assessment, site report and costings
  • Provisional price agreed by Dean and negotiated with partner.
  • CAL and programme leader at partner institution start detailed planning. Provisional date for validation set. PDM commences discussion of the Memorandum of Agreement.
  • CAL completes Stage 3 approval form in consultation with programme leader and submits it to School Academic Board.
  • Development of validation documentation. Panel established. Documents submitted to GQE 4 weeks prior to event.
  • Negotiation of Memorandum of Agreement nears completion.
  • Validation event
  • Recommendations from Panel reported to the Student Experience Committee, which approves programme on behalf of Senate.
  • Conditions met
  • Memorandum of Agreement signed by Principal and senior representative of partner institution.
  • Programme commences

5.4听听听听 Criteria for the selection of partners will be agreed by the Student Experience Committee in consultation with Deans of School and aligned with the selection principles in 1.3 above. The Partnership Development Manager will normally reject enquirers who do not meet these criteria, taking advice from the relevant School as appropriate.

5.5听听听听 The procedure above is the same for new programmes with an existing partner, apart from the initial stages. Discussions about new developments will be channelled through the Dean of the School that hosts the proposed new programme. Normally no additional site visit is required, unless there are specific circumstances such as requirement for specialist equipment, but a programme specific risk assessment must be completed.

  • Initial exploratory discussions between Dean and partner institution. Identification of Collaborative Academic Lead (CAL). Advice from PDM on approximate price.
  • Stage 1 approval form completed by CAL and Dean and considered by School Executive Board (SEB)
  • PDM and CAL complete risk assessment.
  • CAL and PDM undertake detailed costings.
  • Stage 2 approval form completed by CAL and Dean and considered by APB along with risk assessment and costings
  • Provisional price agreed by Dean and negotiated with partner.
  • CAL and programme leader at partner start detailed planning. Provisional date for validation set. PDM commences discussion of revisions to the Memorandum of Agreement.
  • CAL completes Stage 3 approval form in consultation with programme leader and submits it to School Academic Board.
  • Development of validation documentation. Panel established. Documents submitted to GQE 4 weeks prior to event.
  • Negotiation of Memorandum of Agreement nears completion.
  • Validation event
  • Recommendations from Panel reported to the Student Experience Committee, which approves programme on behalf of Senate.
  • Conditions met
  • Memorandum of Agreement signed by Principal and senior representative of partner institution.
  • Programme commences