
Programme Review

Programmes are approved for an agreed period, normally five years, after which they are subject to review. The aim of the review is to take an overview of the academic health of the programme, identify any issues that need to be addressed and confirm the continuing need for the programme in the target market. The programme leader will be required to produce a document evaluating the delivery of the programme, based on evidence from annual programme monitoring reports, external examiner reports, module evaluations and student staff committee meetings.

Assuming both partners wish to continue to offer the programme, the review event will be combined with a re-validation. This follows the same format as the initial validation. The re-validation is an opportunity to revise and update the programme in the light of the experience of the previous years. The review process normally includes preparation of a new Financial Appendix to the Memorandum of Agreement.

The Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement will alert the partner institution to the need for review before the start of the academic year. Teams should allow a minimum of six months to produce the review and validation documentation. The Collaborative Academic Lead and staff from the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement will advise on the process. It is the responsibility of the programme team to gather evidence for the review and to draft the review document. The CAL will read draft documents and provide comments.

Evidence used for the review will include:

  • student and graduate feedback
  • feedback from employers
  • external examiner reports, annual monitoring reports and committee minutes
  • the programme team's experience of delivering the programme

For more detail, see Guidance for Review and Validation.

Short Programmes are reviewed by the School Academic Board. For more detail, see Regulations, policies and procedures.


Collaborations and Partnership Development

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Collaborations and Partnership Development

Sheila Adamson Partnership Development Manager 0131 474 0000